Monday, September 01, 2014

Prin făr' de loc în făr' de vreme

concert de muzică de basm
piese de pe noul album "Prin făr' de loc în făr' de vreme"


ascultați / cumpărați

Daniel Dorobanțu (muzică, video)
Manuela Marchiș (voce)
Vlad Sturdza (chitară)
Richard Gordon (flaut)
Attila Lukinich (sunet, mixaj, mastering)
Marian Ciuma (ilustrații)

10 mai, Sinagoga din Cetate Timișoara

un eveniment susținut de Asociația Simultan

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Thy Veils - Lumine - review

I was taken aback by the scale of the sonic spectacle named "Lumine". It has a sensitivity all of its own, rich in exotic rhythms and multi-layered spectral sounds. The harmonies were enticing, pulling me into a dream that was becoming smoother and smoother as the minutes rolled by. I was gripped by a feeling of depth in harmony that merged with crystal clear acuity in my ear-drum.
Fine-tuned, chosen with flamboyant delicacy, a sound one rarely ever encounters. Crystal clear guitar chords draping an ample percussion structure, sounds unfurled from diaphanous voices were gently stalking me to join in with a unitary tone upon an Ocean of frequencies.
The album is a complex composition that spurned my interest from the first chimed chord. It is in my opinion, an introspection inside a honeycomb of acoustic dreams. It has a chronology all of its own and a cyclic tone that kept me plugged into the incandescent. The atmosphere it emanates is electric, playful, joyful and full of emotion.
This album is fairy-tale stuff, part of a world where ears are unprejudiced and accept music as a whole. Here, bells jingling give way to the chime of trumpets.
A very mature creation with far reaching chromatic under-tones, brought to perfection by everyone’s input on this project.
With muted speakers and "Lumine" vibrating into the ether, I cannot help but sink into the Unknown with each and every sound.
review by Valentin Vizuroiu
click here for the original Romanian language post
translated by Andrei Ursu

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Thy Veils - Adâncime (live)

"Important este să lucrezi totdeauna în adâncime. Trebuie să crezi. Ai forat metri fără să găsești nimic. Continuă: dedesupt zace cel mai pur briliant, comoara. Se găsește totdeauna o comoară."
George Enescu

înregistrare live în sala de balet a Școlii Populare de Arte, Timișoara
Daniel Dorobanțu - electronics, keyboard, producer
Manuela Marchiș - voice
Ana Telea - guitar
Radu Pieloiu - percussion & drums
Octavian Scurtu - electronic drums
Attila Lukinich - recording, mixing & mastering